Our Partners
The successes of SJLWT would not be possible without the support of our wonderful partners
Environmental Organizations based on the NJ Environmental Lobby list. For the complete list see www.njenvironment.org. For another extensive list with many NJ agencies, parks, and university departments, see https://njedl.rutgers.edu/environmental_organizations.
Alliance For a Living Ocean - Works to stop ocean dumping and preserve New Jersey Shore water quality.
Alliance for NJ Environmental Education - ANJEE provides resources to environmental educators and others with environmental concerns.
Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River - The alliance is comprised of 23 environmental education centers in NJ, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. All working together to collectively increase and enhance constituent appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of the Delaware River.
American Littoral Society - A membership organization dedicated since 1961 to the protection of all coastal habitats including beaches, estuaries, rivers, wetlands and wildlife.
Association of NJ Environmental Commissions (ANJEC) - Works with Environmental Commissions throughout the state to improve the local environment.
Association of NJ Hazardous Waste Coordinators - Information about NJ county household hazardous waste disposal programs & general hazardous waste related topics. Offers a directory of waste authorities for each NJ county. Visit for information on where to recycle used motor oil, batteries, pesticides and other household items.
Barnegat Bay Partnership - The Barnegat Bay Partnership is one of 28 Congressionally designated National Estuary Programs throughout the US working to improve the health of nationally significant estuaries.
Bayshore Discovery Project - The Bayshore Discovery Project (formerly the Delaware Bay Schooner Project) was founded to build stewardship and provide education to conserve and enrich the culture, history, and natural resources of the Delaware Estuary. The restored 1928 oyster schooner AJ Meerwald sails as a hands-on classroom from various ports on the Delaware River and Bay, and New Jersey coastal waters.
Camden Greenways, Inc. - Camden Greenways, Inc.'s mission is to implement the comprehensive Greenways Plan that details an extensive linear park system along the Delaware River, Cooper River, and Newton Creek in Camden, New Jersey.
Center for Aquatic Sciences at Adventure Aquarium - The mission of the Center for Aquatic Sciences at Adventure Aquarium is Education and Youth Development through promoting the understanding, appreciation, and protection of aquatic life and habitats.
Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River - Watershed conservation in South Jersey. See the education section's 300 page teacher's curriculum, which helps teachers interpret the NJ Delaware Bayshore region.
Clean Ocean Action - COA is a broad based coalition working to improve and protect the waters off the NJ/NY Coast.
Clean Water Fund of New Jersey - CWF in action, research and education ensures safe drinking water, protection of natural resources and public health, pollution prevention, affordable and effective solutions.
Coalition for Affordable Housing and the Environment - A statewide group of planning, environmental and housing organizations, and advocates who recognize the interdependency of urban, suburban and rural communities, that is working to build unique partnerships for a just and sustainable New Jersey.
Coalition of Lake Associations (NJCOLA) - Dedicated to the preservation and protection of New Jersey's lakes and ponds.
Delaware and Raritan Greenway Land Trust - D&R Greenway Land Trust protects and preserves central New Jersey's treasured open space. They protect land along the Delaware & Raritan Canal and the streams flowing through the surrounding 1,000-square mile region. They protect woodlands, wetlands, stream corridors, scenic vistas, and open fields.
Delaware River Basin Commission - Commission programs include water quality protection, water supply allocation, regulatory review, water conservation initiatives, regional planning, drought management, flood control, and recreation.
Delaware River Keeper Network - Dedicated to citizen protection of the multi-state Delaware River watershed.
Earth Share of New Jersey - Through Earth Share of New Jersey you can make a one-time gift or a payroll deduction donation that helps every day to preserve and protect our environment - locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
Environment New Jersey - Environment New Jersey is a citizen
based environmental advocacy project of Environment America. It is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to getting things done.
Environmental Education Fund - Works to educate residents about the dangers of pesticides and the ease of organic lawns.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at Rutgers - EOHSI sponsors research on issues including air and water pollution. Also offer training for graduate students and the public.
Forked River Mountain Coalition - The Forked River Mountain Coalition is a grassroots organization working to conserve, maintain, protect and restore the natural, cultural, historical, recreational and other resources of the Forked River Mountains. The Forked River Mountains are located in the Pinelands.
Friends of Cape May Wildlife Refuge - The Friends of Cape May National Wildlife Refuge support the mission and programs at Cape May National Wildlife Refuge.
Garden State Earth Institute - The Institute offers nearly free short courses in your choice of location on topics like sustainable living and simplicity. The organization has sister groups throughout the US who have taught thousands of related courses.
Great Swamp Watershed Association - Promotes protection of the Great Swamp watershed through political action and conservation.
Greater Newark Conservancy - Greater Newark Conservancy promotes environmental stewardship to improve the quality of life in New Jersey’s urban communities.
Greenfaith - GreenFaith is an interfaith environmental organization based in Highland Park, New Jersey. GreenFaith inspires, educates and mobilizes people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership by providing tools, resources and training programs for houses of worship, religious schools and religious/spiritual individuals.
Highlands Coalition - Works to preserve the NJ Highlands from development and sprawl.
INFORM, Inc. - INFORM is a national non-profit organization that identifies practical ways of living and doing business that are environmentally sustainable. They have authored research on clean transportation and toxic materials accounting in NJ.
Ironbound Community Corporation - Since 1980, ICC, through its Community Health Project, has been among the most active urban environmental voices in New Jersey.
League of Conservation Voters - Lobbies in Washington for the environment and rates the voting records of senators and congressmen.
League of Women Voters - A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose purpose is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government.
Mid-Atlantic Solar Energies Association - MSEIA, the Mid-Atlantic Solar Energy Industries Association, is a solar energy advocacy trade association which represents New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Native Plant Society of New Jersey - Promotes the appreciation of New Jersey's native plants.
Nature Conservancy of NJ - The Nature Conservancy of NJ purchases and protects land that is home to threatened or endangered species.
Natural Lands - Natural Lands is a non-profit organization that saves open space, cares for nature, and connects people to the outdoors in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey. We’ve been at it since the early 1950s and, today, nearly five million people live within five miles of lands under our permanent protection.
New Jersey Audubon Society - Preserves bird habitat and educates NJ residents about conservation.
NJ Coast Anglers Association - The JCAA represents the position of marine sport anglers, in matters pertaining to fishing, fisheries, and environmental quality. They often work with environmental organizations and other sport clubs.
New Jersey Conservation Foundation - Purchases open space for preservation throughout the state.
NJ Department of Environmental Protection - Assists NJ residents in preserving, sustaining, protecting and enhancing the environment.
NJ Environmental Federation - Promotes policies to keep toxins out of our waterways and drinking water.
New Jersey Clean Energy Program - The New Jersey Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) offers the support you need to learn how to implement renewable energy generation technologies and systems. To assist in startup, the program even includes financial incentives to owners who install qualified clean energy generation systems in New Jersey. These systems will enable you or your organization to produce your own renewable electricity – while helping protect the environment and reducing strain on the grid (existing electric transmission and distribution systems).
New Jersey Environmental Lobby - Lobbies NJ state legislature for clean air, water and land and creator of this list.
New Jersey Forestry Association - NJFA was organized in 1975 and incorporated in 1983 to promote forestry and forest management on public and privately owned woodlands throughout New Jersey.
New Jersey Future - NJ Future is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and advocacy organization that brings together concerned citizens and leaders to promote responsible land-use policies and improve the quality of life in New Jersey.
New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability - The mission of NJ HEPS is to be an agent of transformation so that New Jersey campuses might become models and messengers of sustainability in our society and the world. NJ HEPS sponsors and runs many programs on campuses throughout the state.
New Jersey Pinelands Commission - The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is an independent state agency whose mission is to "preserve, protect, and enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Pinelands National Reserve, and to encourage compatible economic and other human activities consistent with that purpose."
New Jersey Recreational and Park Association - NJRPA is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in New Jersey by promoting parks, recreation, conservation and leisure services.
New Jersey School of Conservation - The School of Conservation is our nation’s oldest and largest environmental education center. They provide environmental education for many groups, from elementary school children to graduate students. Operates a field campus in Stokes State Forest.
New Jersey Sierra Club - Works to protect water, air and land through local chapters and legislative lobbying.
New Jersey State Mosquito Control Commission - The commission is responsible for the monitoring of mosquito control activities in the state. It must recommend to the Governor and State Legislature changes in existing laws needed to efficiently carry on mosquito control efforts throughout the state.
NJSSI (New Jersey Sustainable State Institute) - NJSSI is an independent, non-profit institute providing objective information, analysis, and practical strategies to help New Jersey develop on a sustainable path. The Institute, which began operations in June 2002, has been conceived as a neutral, non-political organization, whose information and analyses will be credible to people and organizations approaching policy issues from all perspectives.
NJ Water Environment Association - Educates the scientific community and public on scientific and technical issues relating to the water environment. Operates with a mandate to preserve and enhance the water resources.
NJ Water Resources Institute - The New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute (NJWRRI) is a federally-funded program of research, training, and information transfer concerning all aspects of fresh and estuarine water in the state.
New Jersey Work Environment Council - The New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) is an alliance of labor, community, and environmental organizations working together for safe, secure jobs, and a healthy, sustainable environment. WEC links workers, communities, and environmentalists through training, technical assistance, grassroots organizing, and public policy campaigns to promote dialogue, collaboration, and joint action. Formed in 1986, WEC is the nation’s oldest state labor/environmental (or “blue/green”) coalition.
Newton Creek Watershed Association - Newton Creek WA is a volunteer body dedicated to maintaining and improving the water quality and aesthetic beauty of Newton Creek Watershed in Camden County.
New York / New Jersey Trail Conference - NYNJTC sponsors trail building and open space protection throughout NY and NJ. They also sponsor outings and publish guide books.
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association - NESEA is interested in bringing clean electricity, green transportation, and healthy, efficient buildings into everyday use. Sponsors yearly "Tour de Sol" a D.C. to NYC rally of solar, electric, fuel cell and other "green powered" cars. It stops in NJ this April.
Old Pine Farm Natural Land Trust - Old Pine Farm manages the preserved land along the Big Timber Creek in Deptford Township, Gloucester County, and aims to extend a greenway along the full length of the creek.
Partners for Environmental Quality - A faith-based coalition attempting to raise the importance of earth stewardship in the faith community. Also promotes education and activism on sustainability issues.
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary - The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE) is a nonprofit dedicated to protecting the Delaware Estuary. The Delaware Estuary supplies clean drinking water for millions of people, and supports a booming industrial region; one that contributes $12 billion every year to our local economy. Our waterways and open spaces also provide plenty of free outdoor fun where you can hike the trails, fish the bay, watch wildlife, and paddle a creek!
Pesticide Action Network - Works to reduce pesticide use around the world.
Pinelands Preservation Alliance - Works to preserve the Pinelands National Reserve, over 1 million acres, 22% of NJ land mass 2/3 in private hands.
Plant Earth - "Wildman" Steve Brill - Learn about edible and medicinal wild vegetables, herbs, greens, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, and mushrooms with NYC's favorite naturalist, "Wildman" Steve Brill. Find out about his public Wild Food and Ecology tours in local parks, and the work he does with kids. Read excerpts from his books, enjoy his botanical artwork and vegetarian recipes.
Rancocas Conservancy - The Rancocas Conservancy promotes land preservation and water quality protection throughout the Rancocas Creek Watershed and has aided in the preservation of over 1,000 acres to date.
Save Barnegat Bay - A not-for-profit environmental group working to conserve undeveloped natural land and clean water throughout the Barnegat Bay watershed.
Scotland Run Park Nature Center - Offers environmental education for kids and adults. Located in Gloucester County in the Upper Maurice River Watershed.
South Jersey Bayshore Coalition - The Coalition is a group of 21 nonprofit organizations working to protect the Bayshore along the southwest coast of New Jersey. The coalition focuses on promoting a sustainable agriculture industry; preserving cultural/historic heritage; preserving wildlife habitat; protect ground and surface water quality and quantity; and promoting economic revitalization.
South Jersey Land and Water Trust - SJLWT works to preserve and protect farmland, open space and critical habitats within South Jersey. In addition, SJLWT assists land owners and municipalities in the farmland and open space preservation process.
Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association - Enhances the quality of the natural environment in the 265-square mile region drained by Stony Brook and the Millstone River. They address key issues affecting water quality and land use, and preserve open space by maintaining a 785-acre nature reserve and a working organic farm.
Unexpected Wildlife Refuge - The refuge is a protected natural habitat comprising 767 acres of pristine pine lands, forest, fields, bogs, streams and lakes. It provides a refuge to animals and plants indigenous to southern New Jersey and a place where wildlife can live freely and naturally without fear of being harmed.
US Department of Environmental Protection - Federal branch that assists in preserving and protecting the environment.
Wetlands Institute - Through education, research and stewardship, the Wetlands Institute promotes appreciation and understanding of the vital role of wetlands and coastal ecosystems.
Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge - Woodford Cedar Run is a 171-acre non-profit wildlife refuge, wildlife rehabilitation hospital & nature center on the edge of the New Jersey Pinelands.